Fridge Guards - Sollatek
by Sollatek
Protects your appliance by disconnecting the power when it goes below an unacceptable level. Additionally, there is a delay when power returns to normal. Low power (under-voltage) will certainly damage any refrigeration appliance’s compressor. This will ensure that the appliance is not switched on-off repeatedly during fluctuations nor it is subjected to a massive surge normally experienced when power returns after power cuts.
- Protects fridges, freezers, and bottle coolers from low voltage. Cuts off at 185V and re-connects 180 seconds after the resumption of good power. Now with
- isense™ and Timesave™.
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FRIDGEGUARD PROVIDES PROTECTION AGAINST- Under-voltage Spikes and Surges Power-Back Surges IDEAL FOR- Fridges, freezers, coolers. All up to 6 Amps maximum